Thanks to Queri for being my critic and the only three characters that are mine are Casseopia St.Croix, Madame St. Croix, and Joesph Hastings. The rest belong to Shaun Cassidy. The question is: What if Lucas Buck had a sibling? The answer is: BLOOD RELATIONS by Psylocke <> PART I Lucas sat in his cruiser watching the workmen from across the street. They were rebuilding the old Braddock home from its charred and desolate remains. One of the workmen, a big, burly man with an untrimmed beard and a shirt full of stains ranging from the coffee he had that morning to what he had for lunch, was lurching across the damaged floor. The rotten boards creaked and bent under the heavy weight. He's just itching to fall through," thought Lucas and just at that moment, the workman's foot sank through the floorboards. The other workmen rushed around himi and tried to pull him out. "Can I be of assistance?" Lucas appeared out of nowhere, and helpfully asking as he peered at the gaping hole where a few seconds before, it held the tons of a whale. It seemed that there was another room under the house next to the basement. "Hmm," thought Lucas. "What do we have here?" Within minutes, the area was cleared and he made his way down the stone stairs that led to the mystery room. Lucas brushed handfuls of cobwebs away with his hand as he searched the area before him. He found a painted portrait on the left side of the wall pulled the grimy cloth away and through clouds of dust, looked at the portrait. It was of a girl of about eight or nine years old. She stood there holding a violin; poised and ready to play. The child had a beautiful pirate smile and her obsidian black eyes twinkled with joy. There was something about the girl in the picture, but Lucas couldn't put his finger on it. It was like he had known her. Thre was also a heavy trunk at the far end of the stone wall next to piles of junk and Lucas pulled open the lid. Inside, were loads of photographs and letters from a Marha St. Croix. Lucas disregarded the letters adn a photograph caught his eye. It was of a middle-age woman holding an infant. Her hair was pulled tightly into a bun and she held a stern expression. Something ws nagging at him and that had to do with the photograph and the portrait, but the answer wouldn't come to mind. The fact that they were important to him, but not knowing why was annoying and very irritating. It was getting hot and the stale stink of the room was beginning to nauseate him. Lucas took the photo and headed back to his car. *********** A week after the house was rebuilt, a moving ban pulled up and started offloading furniture and other items into the house. Caleb and Boone stopped their bikes to watch the fiasco. "I wonder who's gonna move into that house?" asked Caleb as the movers were carrying a large vanity dresser inside. "Whoever they are, they're crazy!" answered Boone. "That place is haunted!" Caleb looked at Boone with a questioning look. "Can't be haunted. They just finished building it a week ago." Boone shook his head. Caleb just didn't know. "Not this one silly, the one they tore down to build this one. My daddy said that it burned down with Old Man Braddock and his wife in it. They had a daughter and child who disappeared. No one knows if they died in the fire too or got away. Their bodies were never found and some people say that they hear a child crying out of nowhere." Caleb rolled his eyes. It was another one of Boone's ghost stories. A black Lincoln pulled up and the chauffer got out. He opened the rear door and two women emerged. The first was a tall old woman with the features of a bird with her tight skin and straight thin figure. She wore a black dress that started with a high neck collar and ended at her ankles. Her eyes were a stormy grey like clouds and she wore a tight frown. "Is that the Wicked Witch of the West?" Caleb questioned. "More like The Bride of Frankenstein to me." Both kids laughed at their little joke. The second woman seemed much nicer than the first. She had a fair complexion and dark eyes to match her equally dark hair. She wore a dress similar to the old woman's with the exception that it was dark blue intstead of black. The woman saw them and smiled. Caleb smiled back and waved. The wave caught the attention of the old woman and she turned fully in their direction and stared. Boone felt the woman's cold eyes bore into him and it ran chills down his spine. "Lets go Caleb," he remarked as he put his foot on the pedal. "That lady gives me the creeps." He began to rid off and Caleb followed. Madame St. Croix stood on the front lawn yelling at the movers and ordering around Hastings, the chauffer. "Don't drop that!" she barked to the movers who were carrying a large statue of the Virgin Mary. "Its priceless and a relic!" One of the movers seemed unmoved by her constant bickering. "So are you, you old bat!" She heard the snide remark adn exploded into a tirade beginning with "being a sinner" and ending with "burning in hell". Casseopia St. Croix looked down at the ground and said nothing. She had seen her mother like this many times before and had learned not to interfere. She also memorized that "it was better to be see and not heard" and also "to speak only when spoken to". Even Hastings was quiet and unmoving as the one-sided argument went on. Cassie silently prayed for something to end the high tension in the air. Dark clouds started to roll in and Madame St. Croix stopped short to have the movers bring in everything before it rained. Cassie whispered a silent prayer or "thank you" and followed Hastings and her mother inside. A black crow that had taken in the whole scene, cocked its head to the side, gave a loud caw, and flew away into the stormy sky. *************** Caleb and Loris were having dinner together. Discussions at the table had been shorter and less frequent since the absence of Dr. Matt. Loris was more silent and sorrowful as she cleaned and cooked around the house. Even the food didn't have the same taste, but Caleb wasn't about to tell her that. She was already sad that she had lost her best friend and telling her that the food didn't taste the same wasn't going to help. "Some people moved into the Braddock house today," spoke Caleb as he offered to break the silence. Loris didn't look up from her soup but replied, "Oh really?" It was a pitiful attempt to sound interested and Caleb saw through it. Jumping up from the table he cried,"I've been going out of my way to cheer things up around here and nothing works! Dr. Matt's gone and you have to accept that! Feeling sorry for yourself ain't gonna helpin' him!" Caleb ran to his room. Loris sat there by herself at the table. Minutes ticked away as she didn't move. Finally, she left the table and went to bed. Caleb layed in his bed as he stared at the ceiling. "Merly," he started. "Everything's falling apart around here. Loris is sad all the time and nothing makes her happy. Matt refuses for us to seem him locked up in a cell so he just sits there alone day after day. I talked to Boone, but he doesn't understand how it is. Wish you were here." Tired, Caleb drifted off to sleep. Merly came and pulled the covers up on Caleb's sleeping form. "Oh ye of little faith," she whispered and kissed Caleb goodnight. Her form melted away to nothingness as he gazed lovingly at her brother. ************* Cassie was hearing crying. Carefully lighting a candle as to not make herself known, she made her way downstairs. The crying grew closer and once she made it to the livingroom, it stopped. A hand touched her shoulder and Cassie almost screamed. It was Hastings dressed in his blue nightgown and cap. His mustache twitched from side to side. "Was that you crying my lady?" "Oh no! I thought it was you or mother!" Hastings took her by the hand and led her back to her room. He saw that being in a strange home bothered her. She also needed to get out more and he had jus the idea. "Tomorrow, I shall ask Madame St. Croix if I can take you on my errands. That way, you can see what the town looks like." Cassie was overjoyed. ************** Meanwhile, Lucas sat in his bed with the photograph in his hand. He was searching every door of his memory in his mind to find out why this picture meant something to him. Selena waltzed in wearing a red neglige and matching pumps. She let herself in the back door with her key after he had called an hour before. Seeing that something other than herself preoccupied his mind just wouldn't do for Selena. She took the photo from his hand and glanced at it. "So you're into older women now?" Lucas layed back with his hands behind his head. "No one has older tricks than you Selena." She dismissed his remark as she lit a candle over his body. The hot wax dripped down and burned his flesh. "Some tricks can never grow old honey," she purred. Lucas closed his eyes as another drop of hot wax made contact with his skin. Outside, the full moon shined just as brightly as ever. TO BE CONTINUED....................